Treatment - Round 3

I've been waiting to write this post to make sure I was in the clear (Knock on Wood - I hope/think I am)! I had my 3rd round of treatment back on Aug 31st - Sep 2nd. Outside of a few days of very itchy, annoying skin and the usual fatigue I have had no issues from my chemo - NO HOSPITAL! Even better my blood counts are now starting to rebound and hold where they should be. I have not had to have a blood transfusion in 4 weeks and I get to skip next week's blood draw/testing all together. All of this is gravy but the more important part is the Doc said they are seeing very encouraging signs that my body is responding well to the treatment (meaning that the chemo is working and/or cancer is dying). I will have full body scans after my next treatment to see to what degree. I've had normal energy to keep up with and enjoy the kiddo's and have even gotten in a couple rounds of is good! That is all for now.  


  1. Great news Erik!! We’re so happy to hear you’re feeling good!
    Drew and Marie

  2. This is very encouraging, Erik! You and your recovery are never far from our thoughts or hearts! Air hugs to you and your girls!

    Love, Jane (and the James crew)


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