Hospital Round 2

 Well....unfortunately I ended up back in the hospital again after my 2nd round of chemo was completed. It was a much quicker turn-around this time as I went to the ER and was admitted 2 days after my last chemo session (vs. a week 1/2 later the 1st go-around). I spent another 7 days in the hospital 8/7 - 8/14 and am back home now. It was fevers again that landed me in the hospital, so very much like the 1st go-around. They did not find anything conclusive the 1st go-around as to why (chalked it up to being neutropenic). This time however, they found that I had a form of pneumonia, that only people with compromised immune systems get. For the average person they would easily fight off the bacteria. Taking a lot of medicine to kill the pneumonia, but hopefully that will work and won't end up back in the hospital after Round 3! (Aug 31, Sept 1, Sept 2)

One perk I had while laying in the hospital was plenty of Facetime and pics of these little cuties...they're what get me through this each and every day (and Maneesha & Kona)! ๐Ÿ˜€



  1. Those beautiful girls will definitely keep you going!
    Sending our love,
    Drew and Marie

  2. Sending so much love!!! Big hugs!!! And Prayers.. Your girls are adorable.

  3. Glad you are back home and your counts are better.
    We are praying for you every day that you will endure the treatment and be cured.
    Hugs and kisses to Avani and Anika (+Kona).
    Ba brave and stay strong both of you ๐Ÿค—


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