June 6th - June 24th

During my night in the ER and my transition to an inpatient room I had to receive 4 blood transfusions. This was because my hemoglobin levels were at dangerously low levels when I arrived at the ER. For explanation purposes a healthy, 39 year old male should have a hemoglobin level between 13-15. When I arrived at the ER my hemoglobin level was 4.8. The baseline (safe) level that Dr.'s use is 7.0. After my transfusions I was now above that level and for the 1st time in over a month I felt pretty decent again. 

During my stay at the hospital which lasted for a few days I began to see all kinds of Dr.'s roll through my room (poking prodding, pushing, questioning). Luckily, guest restrictions (due to COVID) had just lifted the night I was in the ER so Maneesha was able to be with me in the hospital and hear the info from the Dr.'s 1st hand. A HUGE thank you to our friends who helped out with Avani & Anya (especially Kelly & Ramon)! 

It was pretty much established that weekend that I did in fact have a sub-type of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. This is when the reality hit and the 'my life has changed forever' thoughts began. After a brief time of disbelief and sadness I realized pretty quick that the only thing I could do from this point forward was have a great attitude and fight like hell for my wife & little girls. In all of this (and to this day) that's what saddens me the most...not why me God...but why them. 

The days in the hospital and the weeks following were filled with tests to determine what sub-type we were dealing with which ultimately would determine what my life was going to look like moving forward. It was also filled with weekly blood draws and more blood transfusions as my hemoglobin slipped below 7.0. I can tell you by the time June 24th rolled around I was so tired of the day-to-day and just wanted to know my final diagnosis and get on with treatment.


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