Update: Round 4 / Testing / Next Steps

Hello family & friends...it's been a while since my last post. There are 2 reasons for this: 1. The pneumonia was the cause of my issues post chemo (rounds 1 & 2) and the last 2 rounds (3 & 4) have been non-eventful and I've felt great (for the 1st time since last year) ! 2. After my 4th round I was due for a lot of testing to determine 1) If the treatment is working and 2) based on that; will we move forward with my Stem Cell Transplant (SCT) after my 6th treatment. A MOMENT OF TRUTH! I received all my test results yesterday 10/22 and I'm ecstatic to report that everything is moving as planned, the Dr.'s are happy. More specifically ( for the Dr. folks out here 😀 ), from my bone marrow biopsy there is no bone marrow involvement and from my CT scan my spleen is back to normal size, no new areas of growth and many lymph nodes are back to normal size (some still a little larger than normal but that could just be scarring - won't know for sur...